Frequently Asked Questions

Can anyone at the University of Pittsburgh use the map?

Yes, anyone with a Pitt login can enter activities, which may include engaged collaborations with community partners or on-going community outreach efforts. The map itself is open to the public to find activities.

What is the purpose of the map?

Pitt’s Engagement and Outreach Map is designed to foster greater understanding of how the University is working as a partner in our communities, coordinating community engagement and outreach efforts across the University, and monitoring the progress of the University’s overall engagement and outreach efforts.

What should be submitted for inclusion on the map?

Activities that are institutionally supported, benefit the broader community beyond Pitt, and occur more than once should be included on the map. One-time events should be submitted to the University Events Calendar.

Why should we put our activities on the map?

The map helps make your engagement and outreach activities visible to community stakeholders, other university colleagues, funders, and elected officials.

Can practicums or student teaching placements be included on the map?

Yes, those activities can be included on the map. Please use the multiple location version of the Add an Activity form.

My activity is a single, ongoing program that has multiple geographic placement sites with multiple partners. Should I enter one activity or multiple activities?

Entering a single activity with multiple locations and community partners allows your activity to be represented accurately. Multiple map pins will be generated from the location data that is entered under a single activity, allowing for the single activity to have several placements represented. Ensure that all geographic partners’ sites are entered in the location field

Some of my activity locations may change depending on the academic term. Should I edit the existing entry or enter a new activity?

If the overall activity remains the same, then simply update your activity locations by logging into the map, selecting the activity you wish to edit under menu ➡ my activities, and revising location sites. This will create new map pins for the cycle of the activity you wish to represent.

My activity ends with the close of academic year and starts again at the beginning of a new academic year. Should I edit my activity dates each year, or, indicate that my activity doesn’t have an end date?

If the activity simply turns over with new participants each academic year but remains programmatically consistent, simply input the start date of the program and check the “My activity does not have an end date” box. If the activity is substantially changing from one academic year to the next, you may need to enter a new activity.

My activity is a partnership with another department(s). Should there be more than one entry for the same activity?

No. Each university unit that is entered will be equally represented on that activity’s entry. Use the “University Leaders” and “Contact Persons” fields to assign individuals, potentially across departments, who will field questions and inquiries about the activity

Can I delete an activity I previously entered?

At this time, you cannot delete an activity you previously entered. If you entered something in error and it should not be included on the map, please contact the map help desk at

Batch Upload Instructions

To batch upload multiple activities, you will need to enter data into spreadsheet. This is the same information being collected in the Collaboration section of the the “Add An Activity” page.

The collaborations file will include the following fields:

Field NameInstructions
locationAddress of where the collaboration happened.
community_organizationName of the community organization with which the collaboration happened. (If the collaboration involves multiple organizations, make a row for each organization. The system will combine them during upload.)
start_dateStart date (MM/DD/YYY)
end dateEnd date (MM/DD/YYY). Leave blank for on-going activities.